and please try to connect the the database with your system.please follow the instructions given below.
for establishing database connectivity in windows 98 please do the instruction given below.
then select system dsn as mqis
create new data data source as microsoft access(*.mdb)
another window named 'ODBC Microsoft Access Setup' will be opened as shown below.on that window type 'bank' as data Source Name
now the database( which is copied in c:/program files/apache software foundation/tomcat 5.5/web-apps/online banking/obank folder ie; in our project's obank folder contains an mdb file named database) is selected and then click OK button
the dsn name 'bank ' is created.
now switching on tomcat webserver ( i assume you have istalled tomcat 5 or above version is installed in your system) .please start your tomcat server.
open the internet explorer or mozilla firefox browser and type the url .your project will be loaded
http://localhost:8080/online banking/htmls/firstload.html
next => click here to view login page and java codes of online banking java academic project