
Friday, February 3, 2023

Free academic project for Btech/mca/bsc final year students for hospital management system in Java


  1. Create a Patient class to store information about patients, including name, address, contact information, and medical history.
public class Patient {
  private String name;
  private String address;
  private String phoneNumber;
  private String email;
  private List<MedicalHistory> medicalHistory;

  // Getters and setters for the fields
  1. Create a MedicalHistory class to store information about a patient's medical history, including the date, description, and treatment.
public class MedicalHistory { private LocalDate date; private String description; private String treatment; // Getters and setters for the fields ... }
  1. Create an Inpatient class and an Outpatient class to store information about patients who are admitted to the hospital or receiving treatment as outpatients, respectively. These classes should inherit from the Patient class and include additional fields as necessary.
public class Inpatient extends Patient { private LocalDate admissionDate; private LocalDate dischargeDate; private String roomNumber; // Getters and setters for the fields ... } public class Outpatient extends Patient { private LocalDate appointmentDate; private String doctorName; // Getters and setters for the fields ... }

  1. Create a Doctor class to store information about the doctors working at the hospital, including name, specialty, and salary.
public class Doctor { private String name; private String specialty; private double salary; // Getters and setters for the fields ... }

  1. Create a Employee class to store information about the employees working at the hospital, including name, role, and salary.
public class Employee { private String name; private String role; private double salary; // Getters and setters for the fields ... }

  1. Create a Hospital class to manage the various components of the hospital, including patients, medical history, inpatients, outpatients, doctors, and employees.
public class Hospital { private List<Patient> patients; private List<MedicalHistory> medicalHistories; private List<Inpatient> inpatients; private List<Outpatient> outpatients; private List<Doctor> doctors; private List<Employee> employees; // Methods for registering patients, updating medical histories, admitting and discharging inpatients, scheduling appointments for outpatients, and managing the payroll for doctors and employees ... }

This is just a basic outline of a Java project for a hospital management system. You can add additional functionality as needed, such as methods to search for patients or doctors, generate reports, and so on.

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