This project titled ‘On-Line University’ has been built using JSP, which is a server side program. So to run this program on a personal computer, a web server such as Java Web Server2.0 or Apache Tomcat 4.0’, is needed. Here ‘Tomcat’ is used.
In this CD, there is a folder named ‘University’ and inside this folder there are another three folder named ‘htmls’, ‘jsps’ and ‘database’. The ‘htmls’ contains html codes, the ‘jsps’ contains jsp codes and ‘database’ contains databases created on MS Access.
Procedures for Apache Tomcat 4.0 web server
The folder ‘University’ should be included inside the ‘Tomcat’ as follows:
Copy University Folder and paste it under
C:\Program Files\Apache Tomcat 4.0\webapps\examples\jsp