UserName stores students user name for login
Password stores password, the user can login only if the correct password is
For each person user name and password is different or unique.
Registration Table for the New User.
UserName -> stores the name of the user
Prefer1 -> stores the code of the Subject to which the user gives 1st preference
Prefer2 -> stores the code of the Subject to which the user gives 2nd preference
Prefer3 -> stores the code of the Subject to which the user gives 3rd preference
Qmarks ->stores the Qualification marks
CollegeCode à stores the code number of the college
Table for Subject Details
SubjectName -> stores the name of the Subject.
SubjectCode -> stores the code number of the Subject.
Table for Allotment of Seats for different Courses in different Colleges
CollegeCode --> stores the code number of the College
CourseCode --> stores the code number of the Course
AllottedGeneral --> stores the number of seats allotted generally.
AllottedRes --> stores the number of seats reserved
AllottedManage --> stores the number of seats reserved by the Management of the College
Table for College and Course details
Table for College Details
Duration --> stores the Duration of Course in Years/Semester
SORY --> stores ‘S’ for Semester and ‘Y’ for Years.
Fees --> stores the Fees for completing the specified Course.
Table for Result Details
RollNumber --> stores the roll number of the candidate
Table for Result
Marks --> stores the marks secured in the specified subject
1.1 Analysis Report
1.2 Requirement Specification
2.1 Project plan
2.4 Minutes of Group Meetings
3.4 Testing Methods
3.6 Programming Language Used
- Implementations and Future Enhancements